NovaAir Introduction-NovaAir, a manufacturer and supplier of high quality industrial gases

NovaAir Introduction

NovaAir Introduction

About AirPower Technologies Limited

Funded by PAG Asia Capital, one of the well-known independent diversified investment management groups in Asia, AirPower Technologies Limited is the leading integrated industrial gases solution provider. With more than 20 years of development, it has established footprints in China, Southeast Asia and the Pacific region. It owns Yingde Gases and NovaAir which are dedicated to the regional business operations in China and beyond.
  • 160+

    air separation units constructed

  • 3,500,000Nm³/h

    total unit capacity (Oxygen)

  • 886,000Nm³/h

    liquid production capacity

  • 15,000TPD

    liquid production capacity



July: First liquid ASU in Southeast Asia is located at the UMW High-Value Industrial Park in central Malaysia.

August:First gas supply officially launched in Thailand.

December: Signed agreement with Alliance Steel to construct and operate a large-scale air separation facility with production capacity of 128,000 Nm3/h in Malaysia.


February: Commenced operation of the first air separation project in India.

April: Acquired Smart Gas, a company headquartered in Singapore.

September: Established a strategic partnership with the State Power Investment Corporation of China to assist in the world's first heavy-duty gas turbine hydrogen-doping test project, enabling a successful firing test using a 30% hydrogen fuel mix.

December: Launched the first electrolyzer to generate hydrogen by water electrolysis designed and produced by Yingde Gases.


May: Set up the hydrogen energy business department to integrate existing resources, implement the hydrogen energy development strategy, and explore the future business models of hydrogen energy and green hydrogen.

July: Acquired a majority stake of the joint venture to improve business synergy.

August: Reached an agreement with China Energy Group and its subsidiaries to jointly build a green hydrogen production plant in Baotou, Inner Mongolia.


December: Established a strategic partnership with Wanhua Chemical to further develop the business in the high-end chemical industry.


January: Established a joint venture company between PAG and China Baowu Steel Group.

June: Commissioned the second coal-to-syngas plant.

November: Established NovaAir, the Group's subsidiary company, to provide high-quality industrial gas products and services to customers outside of China.


August: PAG acquired Yingde Gases and completed the privatization of the company.


May: Built the Group's first coal-to-syngas plant.

June: Established engineering management service company for the in-house design and manufacturing of air separation units.


October: Established a strategic partnership with China Energy Investment Group. Four 60,000 Nm³/h air separation clusters were used to provide supporting services for the world's first 1.8 million tons coal-to-olefins project.


October:Established the first cryogenic liquid logistics company.


October:Established in Hunan, China. Built the first large-scale on-site gas supply plant.

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